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Ancient Civilisations


CIVILISATION is where a region of settlement is seen to be advanced. ANCIENT CIVILISATIONS are those before the birth of Christ. Look at these three timelines. On your own page draw a line and mark on timeline 1 million, 500 000, 10000, 5000,4000,3000, 2000,1000, 0. Choose TWO events from each of the three timelines to add to yours. Highlight where you have examples of a civilisation. Remember this is the skill of CHRONOLOGY

You will recieve a copy of this grid for your books. Your teacher will indicate your achievements in the skill areas whenevre you complete some assessed work or tests.

NOW...complete these two pieces of work to be clear WHEN ancient civilisations developed and WHERE they developed. Keep in mind the work from the timelines....

SKILLS: Chronology and Language

Ancient Sumer

Our first ancient civilisation is Sumer. Who were the Sumerians? Find out what evidence tells us by completing the Sumer Word sheet.... On the pdf you can see pictures of some of the amazing artefacts found in the dig described in the Word document.

The largest city in Sumer was Uruk. Imagine being able to visit! Use some of  the textbook pages from 10,11,12,13,18,19,20,21,24,25,26,27 AND / OR the powerpoint. Create a tourist guidebook to someone visiting ancient Uruk. What would they see? What might they eat? How would they get around? What might they visit? What might they buy?

You could work with a partner for this task. 

It was in Sumer that the first written language is believed to have been developed....Use pages 14 and 15 in the textbooks to explain how it developed and how it changed. Draw some of the symbols you see. 

Develop your knowledge by completing the Word sheet, then use pages 14 and 15 and 24 to 25 and 30 to 33 to design a seal that could be based on one of the Sumer religious beliefs.

The Sumerians gave us many inventions we could not do without today! Complete this research task (perhaps leave writing as you have now studied this in detail) Use the pdf info sheet to help you

SKILLS: Knowledge and Understanding, Research and Presentation

Meanwhile....somewhere in China!!

Can you ESCAPE THE TOMB?.....

If you escaped.....lets find out more..... know we are investigating ancient China. Lets first do an overview of this region. Read the pdf document and then complete the task - use the vocabulary to write FIVE sentences from the information BUT include which DYNASTY the information is from AND write in chronological order.

NOW....what about the tomb? Did you escape? What did you discover? Complete the following work to develop your understanding.... Use the powerpoint to then complete the information sheet about the tomb objects. Then, working with a partner, produce a short presentation about TWO objects from this period of time. discovered from the game whose tomb it was. Lets find out more about her....... discuss the powerpoint in class before completing the pdf worksheet on paper

What was life like during this period of time?.......Your teacher will give you a character card. Organise yourselves into a social hierarchy. What does this mean? How did you decide who went where? Write up your thoughts then check out the powerpoint to see if you were right. 

Use the character cards and display picture cards to create a wall display, adding in your own ideas for text and description of life in Shang China.

SKILLS: Evaluation and Analysis

Some of the artefacts found in the tomb were 'dragons bones'!! What were these? Look at the powerpoint then read the pdf and answer the questions.

While writing developed in Sumer, so too in China. Try out this writing challenge

Put together what you have learned in this coursework task

SKILLS: Research and Presentation

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