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What caused the Industrial Revolution?

Look at the Word document with statistics and complete the questions. Develop your knowledge using the pdf questions 2, 3 and 4

You will recieve a copy of this grid for your books. Your teacher will indicate your achievements in the skill areas whenevre you complete some assessed work or tests.

How did farmers produce more food?

Your discoveries in the first section are now going to affect everything else in this unit.....first...FOOD!  Work through this powerpoint, completing the first then second Word documents to see what was happening with food and how it relates back to the first section.

Now watch this video to summarise what you have discovered and introduce you to some new ideas in farming...

To spread the new ideas farmers attended agricultural shows like this one

You will be the representative for one of the agricultural pioneers and attend a show, presenting the idea with its advantages and why it is an improvement on the past. Later, journalists from 'Farmers Weekly' will visit and award rosettes to the best in show!

How did the processes change? Work out the order of these pictures that all show the spinning process. Explain how each one is an improvement on the last. Explain the limitations of each one.

But what of the people who worked in these new factories? Watch the video and look at the pdf pages before completing the assessment. Use the ppt examples to help complete an authentic piece.  Look at the second video to get a sense of the atmosphere in a mill

...and so did life improve for child workers? Complete this investigation to decide.

How did the cotton industry develop?

Demand for cloth was increasing. Traditional woollen cloth was being replaced by cotton. This video explains the processes that were the same for both wool and cotton.

What were the consequences of the growth of towns?

Complete the House Builder game then look at the 'March of Bricks and Mortar cartoon. So what did the move to the factory system lead to in towns?

...and what might be the consequences? Complete the Cholera in Leeds investigation, before watching about John Snow's work in London.

Complete the work on each area of transport before developing your own transport game.


Watch this introduction video, complete the sheet about road transport and then do some research on one of John Macadam, Thomas Telford or 'Blind' Jack Metcalf to explain their innovative road building techniques


Look at this 'nostalgia' website and the 'I Spy' book pages. When I was your age this was all the entertainment there was on long journeys.

Read the information about canals then create a double page 'I-Spy Canals'. It should have diagrams and explanation of different features of canals, with a tick box for when you have seen one. Do this in Word or a Powerpoint slide and copy into OneNote


Watch the video and complete the sheet about railways. your game OR...why not combine all your knowledge from this unit to make a Tunnel Book.......

How did transport change?

Tunnel Book

Victorian tunnel books were popular entertainment. Look at the powerpoint below, it has examples and an explanation of how to create your industrial revolution tunnel book. Also look at the other examples and the video for guidance. You could attempt to make one which incorporates all of your knowledge to show the industrial landscape. 

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