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You will recieve a copy of this grid for your books. Your teacher will indicate your achievements in the skill areas whenevre you complete some assessed work or tests.

The Renaissance

1) What was the Renaissance?

What was the Renaissance? Try to re-organise the word list to the definitions using the powerpoint slide.

Look at pages 6 and 7 in your text book then complete the activities. What do these pages suggest about what the Renaissance might be?

Then look at the painting 'The Ambassadors'. Note down everything you can see. Then watch one of the  video analyses...did you get everything? so what does the renaissance now seem to be about? Read page 8 of your text book and create a diagram definition

Challenge! Watch both videos...identify some differences in their analysis of the painting. SO..what problems does this suggest for the historian trying to find out about the past?

Here you have the key pages from the textbook (but you will need to rotate them!!

SKILLS: Chronology and Language, Historical Interpretation

2) Why did the Renaissance begin in Italy?

What was so special about Italy that the Renaissance began there? Read pages 9 - 13 and use the City States map in the middle of a page, to add information about each state, either from the textbook or from research.

Use the textbook and the Florence powerpoint. Also the interactive map for ideas. As the centre of the Renaissance, create a tourist guide to the city in around 1500. Your guide can be handwritten or typed. Use the assessment reflection sheet to help you and complete this after you have done your work. 


Knowledge and Understanding, Research and Presentation

3) Why do we think of Art when we think of the Renaissance?

When we think of the Renaissance we often think of paintings as art represented the change in thinking. Look at these three paintings (also in your text book page 27) and complete the Word grid.

Now take a look at some of the amazing art created during the Renaissance. You can take a virtual tour of Florence's Uffizi Gallery, look at the powerpoint examples and read the pdf about Renaissance artists to spark your interest perhaps for more research. 

Afterwards you must choose one Renaissance painting for an exhibition, including the painting and an explanation panel. Perhaps also prepare some themed gifts for the shop!

Then as an Art Historian writing for 'Art News' you will visit the exhibition and write a review.....Use the assessment reflection page to help you in your work, and complete this when you have finished.

SKILLS: Evaluation and Analysis, Research and Presentation

4) How important was patronage?

The great artists needed money behind them and many were prepared to pay. Use this role play to find out more about the idea of patronage or support....

SKILLS: Knowledge and Understanding

5) How did patrons use portraits as messages?

Now we use social media to get out our messages to the world....but portraits were the social media of the Renaissance. Look at the powerpoint  portraits..what messages are given out in each and how are these messages achieved?

Look at the text book pages 30 and 31 and complete the activities to find out more.

Now create your own Renaissance portrait, remembering it must give messages about yourself....


Historical Interpretation

6) How important were the Medici?

We have seen the importance of patronage and some of the greatest patrons were the Medici of Florence....but was Lorenzo really Magnificent? You decide by watching the video then completing the source work.

Try to complete an essay and use the essay plan to help you. Add to your essay ideas by looking at the website information.


Evaluation and Analysis

7) The struggle for ideas: Why was Savonarola executed?

The Renaissance brought a clash between the new values and old values and in some areas it was seen as a challenge to religion. Nowhere was this struggle more violent than in Florence when Savonarola ruled for a time....

In groups you will receive evidence about Savonarola. Construct a timeline of his life and identify saint or tyrant elements.

Then write a longer answer to the question 'Savonarola: Saint or Tyrant?'

SKILLS: Evaluation and Analysis

8) Was Leonardo Da Vinci a 'Renaissance Man?'

Perhaps the most famous figure of the Renaissance, Leonardo Da Vinci lived a long and varied was he the pure example of the 'Renaissance Man'? Look at the text book pages 14 - 21 and complete a timeline of his life. Identify key pints where his life changed and also points he he produced different works - aim for at least ten across his lifespan.

Known for many designs of inventions before their time, can you become Da Vinci and gain patronage to develop one of his designs into reality?...

SO...WAS Da Vinci a Renaissance Man? What do you now think this term means? Design a poster to show your range of ideas...


Research and Presentation

9) How important was printing in the spread of ideas?

How did the ideas of the Renaissance spread? Watch this video and complete the questions to decide on the importance of printing...

Read pages 54-59 of the text book. So how important do you think printing was? Decide on the most important changes and write an explanation, using an early type face...perhaps you can even have a go at block printing in the Art Dept.


Evaluation and Analysis

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