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The Middle Ages

You will receive a copy of this grid for your books. Your teacher will indicate your achievements in the skill areas whenevre you complete some assessed work or tests.

What was it like in the Middle Ages?

The Middle Ages are generally seen to begin around 1000 AD after the Roman Empire had collapsed and Kingdoms had emerged. It lasts until around 1500 and the beginning of The Renaissance. 

Don't forget the key skills we study in History, if you were here in Year 6!

Look at the timeline pdf example and then complete the Middle Ages timeline activity. This is an ASSESSMENT on CHRONOLOGY

Now, use your text book to decide whether the Middle Ages were dark and dangerous or bright and lovely!

SKILLS: Chronology and Language

How did Kings keep control?

So...the key point is about keeping control, so what were the solutions? first, watch this video about CASTLES! and complete the question sheet.

Now its time to build a castle of your own!! The King has given you 10,000 gold pieces and control of an area of land.  Look at the location cards and complete the tabel before deciding where to build your castle and how much you will spend....

Next you need to build your castle. Use the template and add on the defences you want to use, but be careful not to overspend!!

Finally, buy up some ways to attack your enemies, then test out your defences and attack capabilities against your rivals...

How did you do? Researchers in 2023 have found in the archives some medieval texts....they seem to be four diary entries written by the Lord of Elton Manor in the Middle Ages, explaining all about the events of choosing a castle site, building a castle and defending it against enemies. (write these diary entries using your experiences of the last few lessons. You might want to 'age' your pages to look more authentic)

SKILLS: Knowledge and Understanding

How was life organised?

Society was very structured.....use this role play with your teacher to find out how. Once you have completed the role play, write a diary entry for a person as the role you played, explaining your position in society in relation to everyone else.

SKILLS: Evaluation and Analysis

What was life like for ordinary people: Village and Town?
Historical fiction project

You will now learn about aspects of life in a medieval village and town, then create your own piece of historical fiction. This will be an ASSESSMENT on RESEARCH AND PRESENTATION

First lets find out why it is difficult to study medieval villages! THEN try the word sort quiz to understand some of the vocabulary...

This video shows how houses for the ordinary people were made..

First try the village life game to discover some events in village life. Make sure you keep a record of what happens to you. 

Then use the 'Life of a Villein' pdf and complete activity 2. Look at the 'Life in the Village' pdf and create a calendar to show activities done at different times of the year.

Use your 'Medieval Realms' textbook to find out about life for women in a village

BUT....daily life was dominated by the church. Watch the video and complete the Word sheet. different was life in the town? watch the video and create a spider diagram as you watch of the features of a town.

Add to your knowledge. Your teacher may give you a Town game to play - keep a record of what happens to you. Then using the black 'Medieval Realms' books, complete the work on pages 46 and 47. 

Crime and Punishment!!! Could you get justice in the Middle Ages?

Look at p48 in 'Medieval Realms' and make notes on the methods of justice here. Would YOU get justice? Complete the role play and write up a court report are ready to put all of this together in your historical fiction piece....

It can be set in the town or country, or perhaps a villein is taking produce to the town market!

REMEMBER, for your story to work it must be interesting but also REALISTIC to the time it is set in. Use these extra ideas to help you develop your final story.....

SKILLS: Knowledge and Understanding, Research and Presentation

What was The Black Death?

BUT....this life was about to be devastated by a terrible disease...The Black Death. Watch the video as an introduction then complete the investigation tasks. 

NOW....complete this sourcework exercise. This will be an ASSESSMENT on EVALUATION AND ANALYSIS

SKILLS: Evaluation and Analysis

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