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1) Early maps

Maps were not always 

as accurate as today...

You will recieve a copy of this grid for your books. Your teacher will indicate your achievements in the skill areas whenevre you complete some assessed work or tests.

Use the link to help you to complete your investigation into the Mappa Mundi. The questions are in the Word document.

SKILLS: Evaluation and Analysis

2) The Dangers of Travel

Use the information sheets. Imagine that your son or daughter has decided to go off travelling in the year 1300. You write them a letter as they wait at port for a boat, asking them to reconsider and explaining why. Check the assessment markscheme for a guide. Use the template if you wish.

SKILLS: Research and Presentation

3) Marco Polo

So, as the early renaissance begins, some people begin to travel from Europe. Read this information about a man called Marco Polo and answer the questions with full answers..

Despite the dangers, by the late 13th century travellers were beginning to venture beyond their continent borders....This Google Earth presentation shows three, but focus on Marco Polo. Investigate his travels, make notes on the places he visited and routes he took, marking on a map, for a piece of work later on... (you can also use the link below to investigate cities he visited if it doesnt work through Google Earth)

Marco Polo made good use of existing routes like the Silk Road. Watch this video to understand then complete the Silk Road trading sheet to develop your understanding. Finally, for fun, play the silk road game.

Marco Polo's travels inspired may through history. Here is the famous poem 'Kubla Khan' by Samuel Taylor Coleridge...

Here you can visit the real Xanadu!...

NOW put all this information from this section  together, producing a film storyboard and poster for Marco Polo's journey, combining at least four 'stops' on his journey and linking to the Silk Road. See the ppt for examples.

SKILLS: Research and Presentation

4) Why did people travel?

Look at the cards here on reasons for exploration. Colour code according to themes and make a list in order of importance..

Now watch the video and make a spider diagram of new technology to help with travel and new ways of recording what was discovered...

Look at this website on more new technology. Choose one invention to draw and explain...

NOW...can you put all of this together to write an essay about early exploration? Use the criteria to help you plan..

SKILLS: Knowledge and Understanding

5) The voyages of Discovery

Read the information and print out the student map. Use an atlas to chart ONE of the voyages described, with a key to places visited.

But were these explorers really heroes? Read the information on Columbus...What do you think of him?

Then complete the source tasks about Columbus and design what you think would be an appropriate monument to him.

SKILLS: Historical Interpretation

6) Life on board ship

Read about life on board an explorers ship. You could do some other research and then create a board or card game about daily life on board

7) Who benefited from the voyages?

Who did well and who lost out from the voyages? Use these sources and create you own grid to assess this question.

SKILLS: Evaluation and Analysis

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