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3.2) What kind of housing did the people of the plains live in?

The lack of resources meant that the people of the plains lived in tipis. Look at the 'Housing' page and answer questions 1 and 2, then look at the other documents, print out and create your own tipi. Use sticks as the central poles to make it look more authentic. 

3.3) What did the people of the plains believe?

Think about the common features of religious belief and create a spider diagram of features and ideas. 

Now read the Word pages about Native American beliefs and then add detail to the powerpoint diagram, or create your own diagram of beliefs.

Look at the powerpoint about dreamcatchers and then make your own dreamcatcher to ensure a good nights sleep! Look at the guide website to help you.

3.4) Aspects of daily life

Use these three ideas to explore daily life. Many tribes did not speak the same language, but communicated with a common sign language. Use the information here to 'write' and act out a conversation about a buffalo hunt. Can your classmates understand you?

Design a Native American calendar based on their moon phases.

Play one of the games the children would play in the dust.

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