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Here is an example of how to write

an essay!

The USA 1919 - 1929

Read the 'USA intro' document. It would be useful to print this and put it into your file. Look at the 'US history in maps' powerpoint above this box for some background. Look at a physical and political map of the USA to know the location of the key features (Great Lakes, Rocky Mountains and Appalachians) and also the names of the states, especially those southern states around the 'Florida panhandle'

1) Why did the USA 'Boom'?

(If you find any of the videos blocked then download the following video downloader, open the video in youtube then copy the URL to the 4K Video Downloader programme. If you are in boarding you can also use a mobile hotspot)

You can see a physical and political map here

Read the first pages of this pdf 'Why did the USA boom?', up to page 303 (Focus Task 10.1) Make sure you can explain what the term 'boom' means.

You can see there are several reasons why the USA boomed, how do they interlink? is one more important? the reasons go together like building a skyscraper!

You are to create a diagram of a skyscraper, or actual skyscraper building from paper cubes, with each block explaining the cause of the boom. You can do this online, on a Word or Publisher document, by hand and then attach a photo to your OneNote area. Make sure your 'skyscraper' is solid with the final reasons on top. Design a nice top for your skyscaper (like the Chrysler Building in New York!)

You can print out the cube template and make a physical model if you like. Look at the 'causes of the boom tower work' powerpoint slide to get more ideas of what you need to do

To further understand the boom, look at this powerpoint. Make sure you understand the cycle of prosperity...perhaps draw or print out the diagram for your file.

These videos show more about the boom....causes and effects...funny! but not all good perhaps!

Who were the Presidents of the 1920's? Remember Wilson? he was a Democrat (one of the two main political parties). However all the other 1920's Presidents were Republican.....Read about them in the text book 'The Age of Excess' then try the test!

BUT..did everyone benefit from the boom? Read the rest of the 'Why did the USA boom?' pdf higher up this page, from 'problems in the farming industry' to the end.

Imagine you are an advisor to the President. Write a secret report to him (choose one of the 1920's Presidents) warning that not all sectors of society are booming - use the pages to provide the President with specific examples.

2) What were the Roaring Twenties and were they 'roaring' for everyone?

Look at these photos from the US in the 1920's. For each one, what do you think is happening? What does it suggest about 1920's American society?

If the 'Boom' was economic, the 'Roaring Twenties' was social.

Watch this video..part revision and part introduction to this section. Complete the Word worksheet

Read the first three pages of this pdf, or the equivalent pages in your text book. Make notes to explain what the Roaring Twenties were, with specific examples from the text. Then write a paragraph to explain the links between what was happening in society, and your previous work on the economy. 

Finally, this video gives a great overview of society in the 1920's. Grab a cup of tea and watch for extra undertanding.

2.1) Women

How did women fare in this 'new society'? Look at the powerpoint and write a short paragraph that could be an introduction to an essay. Using the info in the powerpoint suggest how far it seems life changed for women in the 1920's.

Look at these statements about women in the 1920's. Create a diagram with a line along one side of a page, with 'freedom' at the top and 'no freedom' at the bottom. Write the phrases or cut and paste them onto the diagram, depending on where on this spectrum you think the statement goes.

Read the 'Women in the USA' section from this pdf. Now, with all of this information, write two paragraphs for an essay about how far life changed for women in the 1920's, each paragraph considering a different point of view. 

2.2) Immigration

The USA considered itself a 'melting pot' of people, the Statue of Liberty welcomed immigrants who arrived by ship to Ellis Island. Use Google Earth to see its location and have a look around. Then have a look at the photos of the process of arrival, and watch the film clip of little Vito Corleone arriving (from 'The Godfather')

Look at page 6,7 and 8 /18 in this pdf. Read carefully then comment on the numbers of people coming to the USA. Why did they come? What was the Red Scare? What were its consequences?

You have read about Sacco and Vanzetti, but were they really guilty? Use this Word document to recreate the trial using the Powerpoint slide worksheet for your ideas, considering the key evidence the prosecution and defence would use. What would YOU decide if you were judge?

2.3) African-Americans

Perhaps the most disturbing element of US society in the 1920's is the treatment of African-Americans. Look at the powerpoint to find out about this ..the song mentioned can be heard in the Youtube clip below.....

Having looked at the powerpoint, complete this information grid about the Ku Klux Klan.

The ensure you have also made notes about the treatment of Native Americans.

ESSAY TIME.... the USA is the study for the one hour essay paper. First, go to the 'Self Taught Selfie Talks' page and watch the IGCSE Mass Production essay to see how to structure an essay.......

 NOW look at the pdf here and read over all the pages covered so far and also the section on African -Americans. Consider this question...'While life improved overall for women in 1920's America, for other groups in society, restrictions and prejudice continued'. To what extent do you agree with this statement?     40 marks

2.4) Religion

Use this powerpoint to find out about the religious clash between rural and urban America

Read page 319 of the text book and look at this powerpoint. Complete the cartoon source analysis task for the cartoon. Use all the information to answer the 6 mark paper 1 style question...'Why did the Scopes Trial gain so much attention in 1920's USA?'

2.5) Prohibition

Prohibition - what was it and why was it introduced? Make notes form your text book and analyses these Anti-Saloon League cartoons....


2.6) What were the causes of The Wall Street Crash?

Wall Street in New York is the centre of the US finance industry. But in 1929 this industry collapsed. Play this game as an introduction to share dealing and its consequences.

The causes are complex and it is important that you can see the long term and short terms causes. Use this information and perhaps complete the 'causes questions' for a basic understanding. Make notes to order the timeline of events and the levels of importance, identifying why nothing was done to stop the crash. 

  •  On what factors was the economic boom based?

  • Why did some industries prosper while others did not?

  • Why did agriculture not share in the prosperity?

  • Did all Americans benefit from the boom?

  • What were the ‘Roaring Twenties’

  • How widespread was intolerance in US society?

  • Why was Prohibition introduced, and then later repealed?

  • How far did the roles of women change during the 1920s?

  •  How far was speculation responsible for the Wall Street Crash?

  • What impact did the Crash have on the economy?

  • What were the social consequences of the Crash?

NOW....look at these questions, they are Paper One 10 mark style and come from the syllabus. Make sure you can answer ALL of them!!!

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