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The Twentieth Century

You will recieve a copy of this grid for your books. Your teacher will indicate your achievements in the skill areas whenevre you complete some assessed work or tests.

The Twentieth Century arguably saw the greatest advancements in human knowledge and technology than all previous eras combined. Yet it was also an era of the most terrible conflicts to afflict the planet.

By now you should understand how to construct a timeline, and also how to conduct research. SO.....create a twentieth century timeline with NINE key moments on it. Three should be technological or economic changes or events, three should be political events and three should be social changes or events such as new rights . This is an ASSESSMENT on CHRONOLOGY.

The First World War

Now you will look at the causes of The First World War. These sections will then form the paragraphs of an essay which will be an ASSESSMENT on EVALUATION AND ANALYSIS

Why were the European powers rivals in the early 1900's?

Look at this picture...who do you think these people might be? What do you notice about them?

Yet between them, this happens.....

Look at this map of Europe in's a little different to today, in what ways?

Despite what you have just discovered about the portrait photo, in fact there were growing tensions between the major European powers. Read the pdf factfiles and either complete the 'Tensions' worksheet or create your own diagram to show the rivalries in Europe. Make sure you consider who might be friends and who might be rivals.

SKILLS: Chronology and Language, Knowledge and Understanding

So based on these tensions, who became friends and enemies?  But what else was creating tension? Read 'The Alliance system by 1914'. Use the ppt map to create a map and key to show the different alliances, including dates. Answer the question using the cartoon to help you. Then look at another source of tension...The Kaiser!

SKILLS: Chronology and Language

What was the German war plan?

Countries were aware of the tensions and began to make secret plans in case war should begin. Germany had particular concerns. Read the Word document task and look at the maps which show locations and also features such as mountains, forests and marshes (the top map shows the region of East Prussia). CREATE YOUR WAR PLAN! (the example might help with ideas for layout)

Your plan might have been better than the original! So what WAS the actual German plan? Watch this short video clip and explain the German plan, use the Word doc questions to guide you. How did the real plan compare to yours?

SKILLS: Evaluation and Analysis

Why did assassination in Sarajevo spark war?

While tensions were rising there was still no reason to go to war. However one region was to drag Europe into war...The Balkans. Look at this powerpoint and complete the task on the last slide. There is another cartoon example on the Word document. 

THEN watch the video and complete the sheet to find out about the spark for war.... you have all of the explanations for the causes of war. You now need to write an ESSAY. This should be organised into paragraphs, for example: Introduction - when was the war? who?

                                                                Para 1: Rivalry

                                                                Para 2: Alliances

                                                               Para 3: Plans

                                                               Para 4: The Balkans

                                                               Conclusion: The key reason or the links between them

The best essays will not just say what happened but think about why these events happened, which was most important, where did war become inevitable; an evaluation and analysis of the causes of war.

SKILLS: Research and Presentation

If you are interested, this video gives a great summary of the causes of war..

Why did men go to war?

Today it is difficult to imagine going to war with enthusiasm, yet many men did. They were encouraged by propaganda posters. Look at the examples on the powerpoint then analyse each one using the analysis did each one affect emotion to encourage participation?

A common artistic form used in the early to mid twentieth century, especially for propaganda, was photo montage. Look at the examples then create you own recruitment poster, using the photomontage technique if you wish. The website 'lunapic' will help you to cut and make up your own posters. The pdf shows one student example.

SKILLS: Evaluation and Analysis

What was trench warfare?

The first few months of the war in the west saw an advance by the German army almost to Paris. Halted then pushed back by French and British troops, both sides ended up facing off along a line of trenches from the Belgian coast to the Swiss border. This 'Western Front' would not move much for the next four years. Play the game and watch this video as an introduction to what trenches were. Then look at the diagrams that show the layout, and the photos that show the reality.

Adversity often brings out great creativity, an outlet for emotion. The First World War new art and literature as well as 'trench' humour. Look at each of these areas then choose one to work on.

The Imperial War Museum in London requires a new exhibition entitled 'The Trench Experience'. 

Use a selection of your knowledge to design the should have a floor plan, written guide to the exhibits with pictures and at least four original sources. You can present a wide ranging exhibition or focus on one aspect such as 'over the top' or 'daily life' or 'coping with the trenches'. You must also produce either a brochure guide or audio guide for visitors and a poster to advertise the new exhibition. This is


SKILLS: Research and Presentation

How far was the Battle of the Somme a disaster?

The First World War is synonymous with terrible conditions and huge loss of life. For the French it was Verdun and for the British, the Somme. Watch this video to get an idea of the battle.

You can have a virtual tour of part of the Somme battlefield Beaumont Hamel. Can you find the Caribou Memorial?

So now to assess the battle in historical terms. Complete the first study using the sources. What would be your judgement at this point?

Next complete the first two pages of the second study. Has your judgement changed or strengthened?

SKILLS: Historical Interpretation

Why did the Allies win the First World War?

Use the powerpoint slide and re-arrange the points into a diagram to explain why the allies won. This could show links between events in a chronological framework, or show order of importance, or perhaps allied strength vs German weakness. Use your rearranged points to write and explanation in your books as to why the allies won. 

SKILLS: Knowledge and Understanding

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