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The USA 1930 - 1941

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1) Why did Roosevelt win the 1932 election?

SO...the USA by 1930 was a very different place to 1920.  First, read the text book pages on the consequences of the Wall Street Crash and look at the first powerpoint. Make basic notes on the consequences, starting to divide them into rural, urban, long term, short term and levels of society. There will of course be links between these.

Then read the sources in the second powerpoint and answer the Word questions. Use this to add to your previous notes.

Hoover is accused of being a 'do nothing' President. Is that accurate or fair? Look at the text book pages on Hoover and the 1932 election, and look at these two documents........

Write two paragraph 'campaign speeches' with supporting detail, one to defend Hoover and one to oppose him in the election campaign.

Finally, make notes from the text book on Roosevelt and his campaign. Surely Roosevelt could not lose, but was it that simple?....Think back through this section before planning and writing the following essay:

How important was Hoover as a reason for Roosevelt’s success in the 1932 presidential election? Explain your answer. [40]

2) What were the 100 days and New Deal?

What were Roosevelt's policies to be? Watch this video and answer the questions for an overview. You also have the text book pages here.....

Roosevelt promised 'Relief, Recovery and Reform'. Make sure you know what his 'first hundred days' were and the key measures he introduced, deciding which of these three promises they are focusing on.  You might create an alphabet agencies 'Top Trumps' game or You will be given ONE Alphabet Agency to study in more depth, looking at its aims and effects, then report back to the class. You might research documents or also use some archive video such as this one.........

Were Roosevelt's policies easily implemented by his administration? Look at this powerpoint and explain the issues...

3) To what extent was the New Deal in trouble by 1935?

The arguments over the PWA and the WPA showed the complexities of the New Deal, and outside Roosevelt faced ongoing problems. Look at the Dust Bowl powerpoint intro. Complete the document analysis to decide on the casues. Look at the Dust Bowl pages in the text book. Then use this information, and the links in the blue box, to help you create a 5 picture 'photo essay' combining words and pictures to explain the dust bowl effects. 

Roosevelt began to face growing opposition. Look at the text book pages on opposition and at this document (plus think back to the issues of the PWA!) ........

List all of the reasons WHY there was opposition and make specific notes about the TWO opponents you believe were the biggest threat to Roosevelt.

4) What was The Second New Deal?

Use the text book to explain why Roosevelt was able to overcome the opposition by 1935 - 36.

Roosevelt now embarked on a Second New Deal. Using the text book, powerpoint and web links, explain the key aspects of the Second New Deal and how it was different in nature to the First New Deal (think back to relief, recovery, reform)

5) SO.....How successful was the New Deal?

Consider all you have studied in this unit, taking time to remember the task Roosevelt faced, and his aims.....use the text book and any of the documents here to help put together a chart considering the successes and limits / failures of the New Deal. 

Try some Paper 1 style questions before looking at these example answers..

  •  What was the New Deal as introduced in 1933?

  • How far did the character of the New Deal change after 1933?

  • Why did the New Deal encounter opposition?

  • Why did unemployment persist despite the New Deal?

  • Did the fact that the New Deal did not solve unemployment mean that it was a failure?

NOW....look at these questions, they are Paper One 10 mark style and come from the syllabus. Make sure you can answer ALL of them!!!

Remember that most essay titles ask you to consider 'How important...' or 'How significant....' one aspect of a wider theme was. Focus your revision on this.

Here you have some extra notes and revision aids.......

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