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Who was to blame for the Cold War?

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The US and Soviet Union were allies against Nazi Germany during the Second World War, and yet by 1949 were recognised as enemies in a 'Cold War'. Watch this video first to get an overview of the causes, creating a timeline of events with key moments, use the powerpoint to help with an overview....

Look at pages 84 - 85 (78 and 79 pdf) of your text book. Identify with notes or a diagram differences between the USA and Soviet Union. What was it that bound them together in 1945?

In February 1945 the 'Big Three' met a Yalta...look at the powerpoint intro...analyse the photos to assess how you think this conference went. What is the feeling of the newsreel clip? Use the 'basics' powerpoint for notes.

BUT how true was this picture of agreement? Complete the source analysis on page 87 (81 pdf) 'behind the scenes at Yalta'. So is this the start of the Cold war?


By Summer 1945 things had changed as the allies met in Potsdam near this newsreel, what has changed and what is the apparent mood?

Does page 88 (82 pdf) seem to agree with this mood? Make sure you know what has changed and what is agreed (or not!) Look at the photos for Yalta and Potsdam and decide which best apply to these conferences. Then work through some of the document exercises Yalta to Potsdam and try this exam question

Churchill is the first to speak out openly in his 'Iron Curtain' speech. You can see the whole speech here...

Look at page 90  (83 pdf), try the Think! question or work on the Iron Curtain documents exercise.

How did the USA react? Read pages 92 - 94  (85 to 87 pdf) and complete the focus task page 94 (87 pdf) on the US reaction. Use the powerpoint and Word doc guide question to guide you. At this stage look at the source pack and write a longer answer to explain why a Cold war began. At what stage would you say a Cold War existed. 

The Berlin Airlift was the first 'incident' of the Cold War. Read pages 95 - 96  (88 - 90 pdf) and watch this video for an introduction. What were Stalins reasons for the blockade and what did the West believe his reasons were? Then look at the powerpoint and do some cartoon analysis.

Highlight key moments on the timeline before looking at the effects with the long term / short term card sort

The pattern was now set for the Cold War. One reaction was NATO, then the Warsaw Pact...Look at this map and page 97 (91 pdf) to see the situation by the early 1950's..

Look at the historiography and explain which school of thought you agree with.

SO.. who was to blame for the Cold War? Look at this example answer and try the source questions. Now try the exam question practice on page 99 (93 pdf). There is also a full Paper 2 to try here. Try the source analysis. You also have here some revision reminders

How effectively did the USA contain the spread of communism?

Truman had commited the USA to a policy of containment. How far would the US stick to this policy no matter what?...

The first test is Korea. Look at these powerpoints to get a sense of Korea today and the issue in 1950. Does it appear to be solved? Use your text book to answer the Word document questions before answering the 10 mark question 'To what extent was the Korean War a success for containment?'

NOW...the Cold War moves to Cuba. Watch the first 14 minutes of this video and list the reasons why relations between the USA and Cuba collapsed...

Read pages 107 - 115 (102 -109 pdf) and look at this timeline of events. Work through the crisis, first considering Kennedy's options (page 111 or 105 pdf) then looking for evidence in the events for each of the possibilities for Khruschev putting missiles on Cuba. Finally, explain in a 10 marks style answer who gained the most from the crisis / whether it was a success for containment?

NOW..Vietnam. Watch this video for an overview. Then read pages 116 - 118 before completing focus task 5.4 (110 to 112 before completing Focus Task A pdf) 

Work in groups to consider the overall question 'Why did the USA fail to win the Vietnam War'. Divide your research up between you, perhaps with categories like 'US troops and tactics', 'Viet Cong troops and tactics', 'Problems at Home'. Create a display or presentation, with a conclusion.

Finally try these source questions for some Paper 2 practice..

How secure was the USSR's control over Eastern Europe 1948 to 1989?

After the Cold war emerged the perception was one of equal superpowers. Stalin's control of Eastern Europe had been one of the causes. This powerpoint illustrates the methods he used. Look at it, then read pages 124 - 125 of the pdf textbook to identify where these methods were used.

Read pages 126-127 of the pdf textbook Why do you think the emergence of Khrushchev led people in the East to believe things might change?

Watch the video about Hungary and read the Word info to create notes about the causes and consequences of 1956. 10 marks question: 'Hungary in 1956 proved the Soviet Union had a weak hold over Eastern Europe.' How far do you agree with this statement?

Read pages 137, 138, 139 (133, 134, 135 pdf). Organise notes in three parts - problem? Solution? Result? Use your notes, the powerpoint and watch the video if you like. Put it all together, Why was Berlin significant for Soviet control of Eastern Europe?

 Look at the examples of graffiti and design your own, perhaps on a model of the Berlin Wall panels, to protest

Look at the powerpoint. What happened in 1968 in Czechoslovakia? How far was this similar to what happened in Hungary in 1956? What did each event suggest about Soviet security?

Read pages 140 - 141 (136 - 137 pdf) and look at the Word document. Who were Solidarity? What did they want? What did they achieve? Are they the beginning of the end for the Soviet Union?

Now watch the video and create a timeline with key events noted, highlighting where you think the key turning points fall.

Look at pages 142 - 143 (138 - 139 pdf)read Gorbachev's speech and look at the info in the End of the USSR. Why did the Soviet Union not survive the collapse of communism in eastern Europe?

Complete Focus Task 6.8 page 148 (Focus Task B page 144 pdf) and then the exam practice page 149  (145 pdf). For revision challenge yourself to the end of topic test.

Enjoy Ronald Reagan's joke......(He and Gorbachev actually got on very well)

Why did events in the Gulf matter 1970 - 2000?

As the Cold War was ending, new conflict emerged out of the Middle East, although there had been issues here for decades too. Look at the powerpoint intro, know the factors causing tension and decide which are likely to be most prominent...

The first region top explore is Iraq. Read pages 153 - 155 (149 - 151 pdf) and complete the powerpoint worksheets

What was life like in Saddam Hussein's Iraq? First analyse the propaganda. Then read pages 156 - 157 (151 - 153 pdf). Complete the card sort from the Word document on life under Saddam.

Now we move to Iran. Look back at the map in the intro to remind yourself how Iran is different in the region. Look at the Iran First Lesson pdf to see an interesting fact about another issue Iran faces..

Read pages 158 - 160 (154 - 156 pdf) and look at the powerpoint. Complete the Iran Reasons grid, then have a go at the sourcework practice.

Why do Iran and Iraq go to war? Watch this short intro video, read page 162 (158 pdf) then use the powerpoint as a guide for starting to make notes..

Then watch this video and complete the sheet for more details.

One war follows another as Saddam invades Kuwait....Read pages 166 - 170 (162 - 166 pdf) and look at the Word first gulf war notes. Create a timeline of key events then identify the key players in the war including the UN. How far does each achieve their aims?

Here you have a revision powerpoint, Then try the exam practice on page 171 (167 pdf) .

  • Why did the US–Soviet alliance begin to break down in 1945?

  • How had the USSR gained control of Eastern Europe by 1948?

  • How did the United States react to Soviet expansionism?

  • What were the consequences of the Berlin Blockade?

  • Who was the more to blame for starting the Cold War: the United States or the USSR?

  • How effectively did the USA contain the spread of communism? Case studies Korea, Cuba, Vietnam

  • Why was there opposition to Soviet control in Hungary in 1956 and Czechoslovakia in 1968, and how did the USSR react to this opposition?

  • How similar were events in Hungary in 1956 and in Czechoslovakia in 1968?

  • Why was the Berlin Wall built in 1961?

  • What was the significance of ‘Solidarity’ in Poland for the decline of Soviet influence in Eastern Europe?

  •  How far was Gorbachev personally responsible for the collapse of Soviet control over Eastern Europe?

  • Why was Saddam Hussein able to come to power in Iraq?

  • What was the nature of Saddam Hussein’s rule in Iraq?

  • Why was there a revolution in Iran in 1979?

  • What were the causes and consequences of the Iran–Iraq War, 1980–88?

  •  Why did the First Gulf War take place?

NOW....look at these questions, they are Paper One 10 mark style and come from the syllabus. Make sure you can answer ALL of them!!!

The next section of your textbook, pages 172 - 190 (168 - 184 pdf) has lots of examples for exam paper 1 and 2 so it is really worth looking at this regularly

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