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Geography is the study of the earth. It divides into physical, human and environmental. Research the meaning of these three areas. On the blank map note down the seven continents and the most important lines of longitude and latitude (research again if you need to)

(If you find any of the videos blocked then download the following video downloader, open the video in youtube then copy the URL to the 4K Video Downloader programme. If you are in boarding you can also use a mobile hotspot)

1) Climate

What is weather and what is climate?

Use the world climate data here. For each diagram, explain what it shows. Use an atlas and for each set of data, choose a country and explain how it would be affected by this data (for example the first map show climatic regions - you might choose Brazil and explain how this data shows Brazil as covered in rainforest) Present your work with pictures and type up if you wish. Then look at the second pdf pages for an overview of climate

Watch these two videos. Link the information here to your previous work to write a paragraph to explain WHY the earths climate is different in different regions. 

THEN complete the weather survey investigation.

2) Biomes

SO.. now you should understand why there are different climates in different parts of the world. This leads to different ecosystems, and large ecosystems are called biomes. Read through the 'Ecosystems and Biomes' pdf textbook (or research if you cannot open it) Make sure you can explain what an ecosystem is. 

This map shows the key biomes regions. You can watch the two videos to find out more about two specific biomes. Open the 'Biomes work' Word document and work through the investigation

3) Glacial Landscapes

Switzerland is a glacial landscape. What does this mean? Look at these two sites to discover pictures of glacial landscapes, and a little about the last true 'glacial' continent..Antarctica. Watch the video to find out why ice is on earth in the first place.......

So what creates glacial landscapes? Watch this video and complete the worksheet as you watch, or afterwards.

Next, read the first two pages of the glacial landscapes pdf which describes different features of glacial landscapes, and look at the website link that also explains glacials landforms (features created by glaciers). You might also watch the video. Produce a page for a glacial landscapes guidebook which explains TWO features of glacial landscapes, what they look like and how they were formed. You can use text, pictures and diagrams.

With this link you can go on a virtual tour of a glacial landscape. How many features that you know of can you see as your follow the route? You could create a guided walk book for someone taking this route along the Lotschental valley, explaining what they could see at each point. Perhaps create as a booklet including a map.. You have a link to a swiss map app here......

How can we identify glacial landscape features when out and about? Watch the video series, below, on how to use a map. Open the 'try some map skills' ppt and download then complete Then look at the pdf, then use the swiss map link above the pdf to see if you can see glacial landscape features....

4) Population

Population is the number of people living in one place. Where do YOU fit in in World population? Try this website...........

 Population could be a small village or a mega-city. The world population is not spread evenly..look at the first two pages of this pdf. Use Google Earth to explore two areas with sparse and dense populations and write up, with pictures, your research. 

How is the population of the world changing? Look at the 'worldometer' link. Choose three pieces of data that you discover from this link and explain what it shows? which regions it relates to? why it might show changes and what the consequences might be?

The changes in the world's population have been modeled in the DTM or Demographic Transition Model. Look at the powerpoint explanation and also at the next two pages in the first pdf in this section. Then complete the Word document activities. 

Can you project the model into the future? Use some research or the worldometers data to explain or create a diagram for a sixth (and seventh?) stage...

Changes in individual country populations can be modeled in population pyramids. Work through this powerpoint to understand population pyramids.

Look at the pyramids in this Word document to further your understanding

Next, do some research using the website, choosing one country and complete the Word document 'Population pyramid tasks'.

5) Effects of population growth

Clearly rising world population will have all kinds of effects, for example in changing the size and shape of settlements. Look at these pictures which show different settlement types...what are they? how might each be different from the last? Look at the 3D world population map site. Discuss why there might be certain patterns of population in certain parts of the world.

But why were settlements formed originally? Read the first two pages of this pdf then decide on the best site for the village on the diagram. Explain your choice.

Settlements have changed with time but, like the rings of a tree, we can still see the layers of development. Read pages 5 - 10 of the pdf to find out about the urban land use or 'Burgess' model, then complete you own diagram and explanation or use the Word worksheets. The New York example shows the model in practice.

Settlements have changed mainly because of the rise in population, and so what are the current and projected effects? Watch this documentary and complete the questions.

...and so population growth creates many problems. Watch this film about one area of Mumbai and complete the questions. 

India is at the forefront of changing settlements to deal with population growth. Could you design a 'New' Mumbai? Look at the different information here - the powerpoints and the videos and then design and 'build' a new city, using the blank map template, or even create a 3D Model like the 'paper city'. 

These templates might need a password:

Use this powerpoint to get some ideas about how to create you design

Closer to home, you might work on this Swiss Tourism economic activity project....

6) Natural disasters

The earth seems solid to us...but in fact it is a broken and molten mass! watch this video that explains....

Using your knowledge from the video, in addition to the information in the pdf, choose THREE different locations on earth affected in different ways by plate movement. Include explanations of plate margins and diagrams, with a map. 

The effects of plate movements can be volcanoes and earthquakes. Complete the Types of Volcano research then look at the devastation that volcanoes can cause by studying the Mount St Helens. What type of volcano is this? Build an accurate model if you wish!

To round off Geography perhaps you will get to save Montserrat? or possibly design and build the latest earthquake proof buildings to be tested on the 'shaker board'!!!

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