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Russia 1855 - 1924

Read 'Tolstoy on History'. What point is he making? The timeline here...........

gives a good overview of the events you will study in this unit.

Here is the syllabus for this major HL section of the course. Check as you go along that you can tick off knowledge of each of these bullet points.

Imperial Russia, revolution and the establishment of the Soviet Union (1855–1924) This section deals with modernization and conservatism in tsarist Russia and the eventual collapse of the tsarist autocracy, as well as the revolutions of 1917, the Civil War and the rule of Lenin. There is a focus on the concepts of change and continuity, with examination and consideration of the social, economic and political factors that brought about change.

• Alexander II (1855–1881): the extent of reform

• Policies of Alexander III (1881–1894) and Nicholas II (1894–1917): economic modernization, tsarist repression and the growth of opposition

• Causes of the 1905 Revolution (including social and economic conditions and the significance of the Russo-Japanese War); consequences of the 1905 Revolution (including Stolypin and the Dumas)

• The impact of the First World War and the final crisis of autocracy in February/March 1917

• 1917 Revolutions: February/March Revolution; provisional government and dual power (Soviets); October/November Revolution; Bolshevik Revolution; Lenin and Trotsky

• Lenin’s Russia/Soviet Union; consolidation of new Soviet state; Civil War; War Communism; New Economic Policy (NEP); terror and coercion; foreign relations

1) What was Russia like in 1855?

Read Russia text book part 1 and the first six pages of part 2 as well as looking at the two powerpoints. What are the key strengths and weaknesses of Russia in 1855? Which short and long term issues seem to be the most pressing for the Tsar to solve? If nothing is done what do you project might happen in Russia? Why has nothing been done before? Create notes that focus on these four questions.

If you had an essay considering the successes of Alexander II's reforms, you would first need to consider the main problems. This might then become your first paragraph, so now turn your notes into that paragraph.

Watch this gives a very good overview of this period of Russian history....

2) What were the motives and consequences of the reforms of Alexander II?

Tsar Alexander II...The 'Tsar Liberator'? A great title but arguably his actions led to the chaos of 1917 - 24. So...why apparently change centuries of autocratic rule? Look at the Russia text book part 2 'The condition of the peasantry' section. Makes sure you understand the status of the serfs and the importance of this system to Russia

NOW..ensure you understand the word emancipation and read the text book section ' The road to emancipation'. Complete the sources exercise then look at the document 'Why emancipate the serfs?'. Rank the reasons in an order of importance for Alexander and for Russia, justifying your top choices. How far do Alexander's reasons suggest 'Tsar Liberator'? Be clear on Alexander's motives!

Using again the 'Road to emancipation chapter' and the details in this Word document, complete the Word document table to see the phases of emancipation. Then read through and summarise each section of the emancipation decree. Does it reflect what you would expect to have seen there?

Note down or discuss what you would expect the effects of emancipation to be. Consider how you think the Tsar, peasants and nobles will react. Then read the final section of Russia text book 2 and look at this Word doc. Do the effects match your expectations? How far would you agree with Alexander II's often given title of 'Tsar Liberator'?

 Read this article on emancipation. Write a review of theis historians perspective. What does he consider to be the principle cause of emancipation? What benefits and problems does he talk about? On balance, what seems to be his judgement on emancipation and does it agree with yours?

Serfdom had been the basis of the Russian economy and society for centuries. Changing that meant that many other aspects of society needed new legislation too. Look at Russia text book part 3 and the other reforms pdf. Ensure you have a range of examples to demonstrate the need for change and evidence of liberalisations, limits and restrictions. 

Alexander believed he had done Russia a great service, so WHY does he see an increase in opposition that will eventually lead to his death??!! You might pay a card game to familiarise yourselves with the main opposition people and groups. Then look at the powerpoint and read the Russia text book part 4. What are the main grievances of the opposition groups? Are they justified in your opinion?

SO....Alexander II...has he set the ball rolling for the Bolsheviks in 1917? Why does the 'Tsar Liberator' end up assassinated? What do these historians think?.................................................

Look back at this section and use this revision powerpoint to help order your thoughts, before writing your essay 'To what extent does Alexander II deserve the term 'Tsar Liberator'? 15 marks. ONLY THEN look at the examples!!

Alexander III

Read Russia text book part 1 and the first six pages of part 2. Identify the key strengths and weaknesses of Russia in 1855. Which short and long term issues seem to be the most pressing for the Tsar to solve? If nothing is done what do you project might happen in Russia?

Nicholas II

Read Russia text book part 1 and the first six pages of part 2. Identify the key strengths and weaknesses of Russia in 1855. Which short and long term issues seem to be the most pressing for the Tsar to solve? If nothing is done what do you project might happen in Russia?

Here you can listen to a quality podcast on the short term causes of the February Revolution


Read Russia text book part 1 and the first six pages of part 2. Identify the key strengths and weaknesses of Russia in 1855. Which short and long term issues seem to be the most pressing for the Tsar to solve? If nothing is done what do you project might happen in Russia?

Use The July Days document plus text book. Create an A3 poster with ONE of the following arguments: The July Days were led by the Bolsheviks / nothing to do with the Bolsheviks....The July Days were a failure for the Bolsheviks / a key launchpad for the Bolsheviks

Bolshevik (Lenin) consolidation

Read Russia text book part 1 and the first six pages of part 2. Identify the key strengths and weaknesses of Russia in 1855. Which short and long term issues seem to be the most pressing for the Tsar to solve? If nothing is done what do you project might happen in Russia?

REMEMBER: All authoritarian leaders come to power through a combination of circumstances, political skill, problems / weaknesses for the opposition, elements of chance or luck....identify these to create a basis for any essay on the rise to power.

(Civil War)

Read Russia text book part 1 and the first six pages of part 2. Identify the key strengths and weaknesses of Russia in 1855. Which short and long term issues seem to be the most pressing for the Tsar to solve? If nothing is done what do you project might happen in Russia?

Civil war prop

(If you find any of the videos blocked then download the following video downloader, open the video in youtube then copy the URL to the 4K Video Downloader programme. If you are in boarding you can also use a mobile hotspot)

1922 - 24

Read Russia text book part 1 and the first six pages of part 2. Identify the key strengths and weaknesses of Russia in 1855. Which short and long term issues seem to be the most pressing for the Tsar to solve? If nothing is done what do you project might happen in Russia?

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