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This unit uses 'Islamic Empires 600-1650' Hodder, Tim Leadbetter

What was Arabia like?

Now we move our studies to The Middle East! Where is this? Which countries?

You will recieve a copy of this grid for your books. Your teacher will indicate your achievements in the skill areas whenevre you complete some assessed work or tests.

Much of the Middle East is desert. What was life like there and could you survive? Play the game (your teacher will give you the board and rules) and write up about your experiences.

SKILLS: Knowledge and Understanding

Who was Muhammad?

The focus in this unit is the creation of a medieval Islamic Empire. What is Islam? Watch the powerpoint then complete the quiz

Now use the text book to complete the sort exercise on the life if the prophet Muhammad

SKILLS: Chronology and Language

Why did Islam spread so rapidly?

Complete the Venn diagram using the reasons to work out why the Muslims were so successful in creating an Empire. Complete the map sheet before writing an essay that considers the main reasons for their success. Think about ordering your essay like this: Intro - Who were the Muslims? Three main paragraphs on social, religious and military reasons, a conclusion where you consider the most important reasons

What was life like in Muslim Spain?

SKILLS: Evaluation and Analysis

The Islamic Empire spread into Europe. Find out how by looking at pages 12 and 13 of your text books and explain the events of 711 and 712 and answer question 1 on page 13

In Cordoba, an amazing Mosque was to be built. Complete the pdf site exercise. Then look at the powerpoint and embedded video - which site DID they choose?

Read pages 14 and 15 of your text book and also read the Word document about life in Cordoba. Make a list of things in Medieval Cordoba that we have today. What is different about the Medieval city? Complete the questions on page 15 of your textbook

Look at the powerpoint of the Alhambra Palace in Granada, another Spanish Muslim city. As you watch, write down FIVE facts about the palace.

The Mosque's and Palaces displayed amazing Islamic art. Look at the powerpoint and the Word document before completing the tasks..

Now look at the source tasks here. Then use all of your knowledge of Muslim Spain. The new Time Machine Holiday Resort has just added Al Andalus to its itinerary. Create a brochure for the tour..

SKILLS: Research and Presentation

How did science and technology develop?

You have already seen that the Islamic Empire was very advanced. Watch the video and, in a spider diagram, write down some of the things you discover about inventions in the Islamic world

We are lucky to have three eminent Islamic scientists arriving by balloon to speak to us.....Oh no! What's this? ...They are in trouble in a storm over the Med!......Balloon too heavy?........You have a tough decision to make....

What were The Crusades?

The Muslim Empire faced several outside challenges. Read pages 30 and 31 of the textbook and complete the questions on page 31.

Then look at The Crusades introduction powerpoint before completing the work in Why go on a Crusade?

Look at this chapter on the events of the Crusades. Make a timeline of the key events from the information before completing the activities.

SKILLS: Knowledge and Understanding

SKILLS: Historical Interpretation, Chronology and Language

Think about everything you have studied this year and be proud of your progress. What was the best thing you discovered? Make a poster to advertise and excite next years', Year 6 about some of the things they will study

Islamic Empires

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