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You will work from 'Italy: The Rise of Fascism' Access to History, or the pdf pages in these sections. Here you have another textbook to use for an overview if you wish.

How was Mussolini able to come to power in Italy?

REMEMBER: All authoritarian leaders come to power through a combination of circumstances, political skill, problems / weaknesses for the opposition, elements of chance or luck....identify these to create a basis for any essay on the rise to power.

Look at the map of Italy in 1870. What information does it give you? What issues might it suggest for Italy? Then read your text book pages 3 - 9 on Italy at unification and look at the summarising powerpoint. List the problems Italy was likely to face into the twentieth century and the forces challenging it. These webpage links give an interesting insight into one such force - Futurism, and the DADA movement that counteracted it 

From your text book page 7 look at the government system of trasformismo. How successful was the Liberal Government in solving Italy's issues in the early twentieth century? What might be the consequences?

War is usually a uniting force in a country. Read the chapter from 'Peacemakers' by Margaret Macmillan. How far a Mutilated Victory as D'Annunzio claimed?

Look at the Word document. To what extent was Italy successful in its war aims? Read pages 16 - 17 in your text book. What was the economic legacy?What did people believe about the war? Now read the document on Fiume...How did events here represent the state of Italy in 1919?

In these circumstances along comes Mussolini....he creates the fascist party. Use the big text book and work in a group to complete the Mussolini jigsaw - each piece having information on - education, ideology, skills and experience.

 Read the 'What is fascism?' pdf and identify its main traits, how much does it owe to D'Annunzio in Fiume? How 'fixed' is the doctrine when you read Mussolini's explanation from the weblink?

Look at the pages 20 - 34in your text book. Create a timeline of events from the creation of the fascists up until early October 1922. On one side note the development of the fascists, success and failures, on the other side note the actions of the opposition - government and socialists. Do you see any correspondance? Complete the revision diagram on the Word document

The March on Rome...Mussolini's seizure of power? Think about the ideas of circumstances, weak opposition, skill and luck...which factors are at play here? Make sure you understand the sequence of events.

SO...what accounts for Mussolini's rise to power? There is much debate, especially on the significance of the March on Rome. Read these two articles about the March (although the Albanese is a review of her book, identify as Albanese's view and work as an historian) What is their view of The March on Rome - seizure of power or handed power? What evidence is there that each has followed the accepted Historical method? Do you have any concerns about trusting either historian? Does anything in the articles help to allay any concerns? Write up your ideas to these questions.

SO....what do YOU believe about the March on Rome. Use one of the two 'Book Covers' and on the back write an introduction to your book on Mussolini's rise to power, summarising your main views that would be developed in the book. 

Finally, this article gives a good summary of Mussolini's rise to power.

So now you can write an essay analysing Mussolini's rise to power. Use this plan and precision paragraph sheet to help you structure your essay. AFTERWARDS look at the sample essay

How was Mussolini able to consolidate power?

You will need to decide at what point you believe an authoritarian leader has achieved power, most will have a period of consolidation after becoming leader of a nation. Unless the essay title gives specific dates, make sure in any essay you are clear where you will write up to and why..

Look at the first two pages of this pdf text. What issues does Mussolini face in 1922? what advantages and weaknesses does he have?

Then look at the pages in your text book pages 44 - 52 or pages 73 - 75 on the pdf text. Identify the potential challenges to Mussolini and then how he dealt with them. Again, what factors are in play here? circumstance, skill, opposition weakness, luck?

THE MATTEOTTI CRISIS  (a label to constrain knowledge? TOK!!)  WAS this a crisis or opportunity? Read pages 76 - 78 of the pdf pages. What happened? Why seen asa crisis? Why did Mussolini survive and in fact strengthen his position? SO crisis or opportunity? make YOUR decision. THEN look at page 79. Which historian do you most identify with? Which would write a book in opposition to your perspective?

Try the source exercises on the pdf text pages 80 - 81 and use the Word document here for review. 

How did Mussolini keep control in Italy?

Authoritarian leaders need to be careful in how they maintain control, and they need to consider the level of popular support (perhaps enthusiastic at first but then waning) Force is always expected but it cannot be used on the whole population all of the easier to encourage and cajole rather than force....and Mussolini is all about show and propaganda. Look at the introduction powerpoint on Mussolini's role...what do you notice about his leadership? Is there a danger for him with this 'Cult of Il Duce'? Then look at the propaganda powerpoint and, after defining it, complete the tasks..

Use the pages here to produce an exhibition on fascist propaganda....Choose 3 different areas, explaining their aims through their message, and why Mussolini saw each area as important to control. Look at the historians views page 122. Add one or two historians quotes that you most agree with to your exhibition, with an explanation of your agreement. SO how important was propaganda for Mussolini and did it work?

What about force? Do not fall into the trap of believing Mussolini is a 'benevolant' dictator (remember Matteotti!) Use your text book pages 67 - 69 to investigate the use of force. 

Using these pdf pages 186 - 187 identify the levels and pattern of opposition...whatdo you notice and why do you think this is? Consolidate your knowledge with the activity on page 188

How successful were Mussolini's domestic policies?

Remember the role of Mussolini?...he is in total charge with several titles, and his focus in control is the promotion of his qualities as it is on his policies that the people will judge him. Play this card game as introduction to some of his policies.....

As you study this unit, consider the idea that Mussolini's domestic policies are big on ideas, short on delivery. First study his economic policies, noting CLAIMS, EVENTS ('Battles', Corporate State) EFFECTS. Then make a judgement. use you text book pages 81 - 91 before using the Word Economics Review to check your work.

Now consider his other policies in the same way, looking at claims, events and effects. Perhaps divide up the areas between the class then present your findings. Decide overall where Mussolini has success if at all, where his biggest failures lie, with an overall assessment. (although you do not have a 'workers' pdf here, you should use your text books to consider workers)

Use the Word document for review, then consider the tasks on page 194 - 195 of the pdf to analyse historians views. 

How successful was Mussolini's foreign policy?

Here you have an overview of Mussolini's main aims and actions in foriegn policy. However you will cover this via your work for Paper 1 (Move to Global War) and Paper 2 Spanish Civil War. Following this, make sure you come back to do a review in the context of Mussolini in Italy, and try the kahoots for revision.

Play this Kahoot on Mussolini's 1920's foreign policy

Play this Kahoot on Mussolini's 1930's foreign policy

Mussolini review

Use the pdf pages 198 - 201 to consider the nature of Totalitarianism and how far Mussoini's Fascist state was Totalitarian. Write a review using the information in these three documents, arguing for each side before reaching a conclusion.

Here are some useful articles to give a thoughtful perspective on some aspects of Mussolini...

REMEMBER: Paper 2 questions often ask you to compare leaders, so as you study Hitler and Mao, keep in mind the comparisons and contrast between them and Mussolini in each of these areas. 

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