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International Relations

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Here is a pdf copy of your text book

Look at this timeline of the key events 1919-39

Was the Treaty of Versailles fair?

Sign up to MoocNote and use it when you have to watch a video. You can take notes on screen and save it all for later reference....

Following the First World War, the allied leaders sought to put the world back together with a series of PEACE TREATIES. Look at the 'things to remember' powerpoint then the basic background notes here. 

What did these leaders want? use your text books pages 6-9 to complete the activity

But WILSON had a grand '14 Point' plan for peace...complete these activities to decide on his chances of success

Use the text book to create a diagram of the final treaty terms before considering the German reaction through the creation of a newspaper

You will need to consider the idea of 'fairness' here and consider contemporary and historians perspectives to reach a judgement. Use page 18 - 21 to help you

How successful would the treaty be? Try this cartoon analysis..

Then try the paper 1 questions before looking here for a review....

Try these paper 2 example questions or this full paper 2. Then have a look at this Versailles Paper 1 model answer..

Watch this video for a summary of the peace conference

How successful was the League of Nations in the 1920's?

How successful was the League of Nations

in the 1920's? Key points

Open this ppt and rearrange the boxes into an order of your choice. Discuss your choices in class. The complete the notes using the Word document.

Decide on the effect the international agreements might have had on the League....

Now complete a 'Health Check' for the League in the 1920's...

This video gives an overview of the League in the 20's and 30's

Why did the League fail in the 1930's?

The League failed in the 1930's because it first faced the problems of the world economic depression. This led to the democracies isolating themselves and refusing to get involved in world affairs, and the authoritarian states using aggression to solve their difficulties. In this atmosphere the League failed in.....



Using your text books pages 48 and 49. Explain when the disarmament conference began and why. Answer the 'Think!' box questions on page 49 Or complete this role play

Abyssinia you need to consider how weak structure, economic depression, actions of authoritarian states and lack of support for collective security combined to lead to League the style of a Paper 1 part C question for 10 marks....then compare to the example answer.

Now try these full Paper 2's on the League

For fun....try this League of Nations card game or design a league failure political cartoon, like the example..

Why had international peace collapsed by 1939?

You could watch this video and complete the sheet for an overview of events here.

The key to explaining the causes of the Second World War is first to see that the organisation, the League of Nations, to prevent war had proved to be ineffective. Next look at the steps followed by Hitler. Know his aims and see how each event helped him to achieve these.

Ensure you understand the Rhineland and Anschluss - action and reaction ( or lack of it!) look at the 'facing history' site, complete the source sheet and analyse the Anschluss cartoons...


Then consider how the policy of appeasement allowed Hitler to get away with his actions. Make sure you can explain why this policy was followed but what the consequences were

Use this link to find out about Anschluss. Answer the questions after reading the information

This card game wont help you pass exams....but is quite fun!

Watch this film and complete the Word question sheet..

...use the cards to identify arguments for and against before completing the document analysis

Read pages 68 - 71 in your text book and create a timeline of events for the Czech crisis...Look back at your work on 'Why Appeasement' to see where this crisis illustrates all of the debate about this policy. Complete the appeasement sourcework and analyse the Munich cartoons

Read pages 72 - 73. Make sure you can explain why both Hitler and Stalin signed the Nazi-Soviet Pact and why it was such a shock to the world. How did it allow for the outbreak of war?

Analyse these cartoons then complete the Paper 1 style exam question

  •  What were the motives and aims of the Big Three at Versailles?

  • Why did all the victors not get everything they wanted?

  • What was the impact of the peace treaty on Germany up to 1923?

  • Could the treaties be justified at the time?

  • How successful was the League in the 1920s?

  • How far did weaknesses in the League’s organisation make failure inevitable?

  • How far did the Depression make the work of the League more difficult?

  • How successful was the League in the 1930s?

  • What were the long-term consequences of the peace treaties of 1919–23?

  • What were the consequences of the failures of the League in the 1930s

  • How far was Hitler’s foreign policy to blame for the outbreak of war in 1939?

  • Was the policy of appeasement justified?

  • How important was the Nazi–Soviet Pact?

  •  Why did Britain and France declare war on Germany in September 1939?

NOW....look at these questions, they are Paper One 10 mark style and come from the syllabus. Make sure you can answer ALL of them!!!

Then try these paper 2's! (and maybe the paper 1 too!!

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